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3 things to know about chemical sobriety tests

On Behalf of | May 1, 2024 | Criminal Defense

Law enforcement may ask a driver questions or have a driver do field sobriety tests if the police suspect they are drunk. Typically, the best way for the police to gather evidence is by having the driver submit a chemical sobriety test.

If you are asked to take a chemical sobriety test, here are a few things to know:

1. What are chemical sobriety tests?

A chemical sobriety test is used to evaluate a person’s blood alcohol content (BAC), which is the amount of alcohol that is found in a person’s body. The more alcohol a driver has consumed, the higher their BAC will be. If their BAC exceeds the legal limit, they may be arrested and charged with drunk driving.

There are three kinds of chemical sobriety tests: blood, urine and breath tests. Blood and urine tests may be done at hospitals and police stations. The police can carry breath test machines with them to streamline the testing process. 

2. How are chemical tests different from field sobriety tests?

Field sobriety tests are judged by the observations of a police officer. As a result, the police could mistakenly suspect a driver is drunk if, for example, a driver has a disability. Chemical sobriety tests use science to prove a driver is drunk. 

3. Can a chemical sobriety test be refused?

Drivers may refuse chemical tests. However, drivers are bound by implied consent laws. What this means for drivers is that they are at risk of facing criminal charges if they refuse a chemical sobriety test after an arrest. 

The more you understand about drunk driving laws, the more you are protected from serious criminal charges. If you are accused of drunk driving, you can reach out for legal help to strategize a defense.