It’s that time again — Homecoming season for Valdosta State Universities. While the homecoming game is actually being played on Saturday, Oct. 21, the festivities are already underway.
There are sure to be celebrations and revelry leading up to and on homecoming weekend itself. That makes it a good time to remind motorists that this is a time when local law enforcement will be running special patrols looking for signs of impaired driving.
If you drink, don’t drive
Many students and alumni enjoy getting together and sharing toasts after a winning game or commiserating over beers after a loss. No one wants to rain on your literal or figurative homecoming parade, but the risk of being arrested for drunken driving is no one’s idea of a fun cap to homecoming weekend.
Instead, arrange for a sober ride home from the festivities from an unimpaired driver or catch an Uber or Lyft back home or to your dormitory if you are out on the town celebrating.
If you see those blue lights behind you . . .
That’s enough to make even a sober driver nervous. The most important thing is not to let the traffic stop escalate into a confrontation that you cannot win with the police. Remain calm and civil to the traffic officer while still retaining all of your rights against self-incrimination.
Police officers on traffic stops are trained to ask questions that assume you are guilty, with the most common one being, “How many drinks have you had tonight?” You are under no obligation to respond to this question, but keep in mind that it is never a good decision to lie to the police.
A better choice is to exercise your right to remain silent until you have had the opportunity to speak to your legal counsel.